Hey parents, students and employees, Each year, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) administers an annual survey (https://usbe.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4VknBAIwwN9VdY2 ) seeking feedback from educators, parents, students, and other interested community members on Utah’s Core Standards. Core Standards serve as the basic knowledge, skills, and competencies­ each student is expected to acquire or master as the student advances through the public education system. The survey provides USBE with key insights into potential need for revision to the current standards. You can review the current core standards by visiting https://www.schools.utah.gov/curr/utahcorestandards. The survey will be open for 30 days, from July 23 to August 23 and the results are expected to be reported to the Standards and Assessment Committee on September 6, 2024. Thank you in advance for your engagement in this feedback process. Contact Person: Jennifer Throndsen Contact Email: jennifer.throndsen@schools.utah.gov
3 months ago, BESD Admin
Utah SEEd
In the June School Board meeting Jeremy Young, BESD Assessment Director, shared Acadience Reading scores for the School District over the past three years. The number and percentage of students in the district that are reading at or above the end of year benchmark has not only steadily increased over the past three years, but is also well above the state percentages. BESD is excited about this growth as it represents significant progress toward our mission of high levels of learning for all students. It is evidence of the dedicated work of our wonderful teachers and students and we are confident that this trend of improvement will only continue for years to come.
4 months ago, Box Elder School District
All Grades Acadience score chart
Congratulations to Alice C. Harris Intermediate School Principal David Lee who was recognized as UAESP Special Contributor of the Year and to North Park Principal Dax Sederholm who was recognized as UAESP Rookie of the Year.
4 months ago, Box Elder School District
David Lee being recognized as UAESP Special Contributor of the Year
Dax Sederholm being recognized as UAESP Rookie of the Year
Teachers came together for LETRS Training on Thursday, May 23rd.
5 months ago, Celeste Weaver
Teachers attending LETRS Training
Group activity at LETRS Training
More Retirees!
5 months ago, Box Elder School District
Robyn Smith, Teacher, Fielding, 37 years
Anita Thornock, Cook, Lake View, 18 years
Connie Toone, Teacher, Harris, 30 years
Mack Esplin, Teacher, Fielding, 28 years
Beverly Morrell, Teacher, Lake View, 38 years
The Retirees were recognized at the May 8, 2024 School Board Meeting. Here are a few of the photos.
5 months ago, Box Elder School District
Carol Anderson, Para, North Park, 18 years
Lene Arias, Para, BRHS 10 years
Stacy Church, Teacher, BEHS , 20 years
David Dickey, Custodian, BEMS, 6 years
Thad Hansen, Custodian, BRHS, 28 years
Alvin Hunsaker, Custodian, BEMS, 31 years
Ann Jenkins, Teacher, Golden Spike, 19 years
Richard Miller, Teacher, Harris, 34 years
Kathleen Mortimer, Para, BRMS, 10 years
Marvin Nielsen,  IT, District, 24 years
Thank you to Alyssa Lyman who was the 2023-24 Student Board Member from Box Elder High School. She did a great job!
5 months ago, Box Elder School District
Student Board Member
Connie Archibald and Student Board member
Congratulation to the ESP Employees who were recognized at the April Board Meeting! Paras Linda Burns - McKinley Elementary Daleine Allen - Box Elder Middle School Facilities/IT Paul Quilter - Custodian at Alice C. Harris Intermediate School J. David Cook - IT at District Office Nutrition Kathleen Hess - Unit Manager at Bear River Middle School Lacie Smith - Unit Manager at Adele C. Young Intermediate School Secretarial Maegan Heiner - Personnel Administrative Assistant at District Office TeriAnn Hanks - Principal Secretary at North Park Elementary Transportation R. Mark Nelson - Bus Driver Shaila McClure - Bus Driver
6 months ago, Box Elder School District
Linda Burns, McKinley Elementary Para
Daleine Allen - Box Elder Middle School Para
Paul Quilter - ACHI Custodian
David Cook - District Office, IT
Kathleen Hess - BRMS Child Nutrition Unit Manager
Lacie Smith - ACYI Child Nutrition Unit Manager
Maegan Heiner - District Office Personnel Admin. Asst.
TeriAnn Hanks - North Park Principal Secretary
Mark Nelson - Bus Driver
Shaila McClure - Bus Driver
Congratulations to Nicole Nelsen, teacher at Garland, who received the USBE Science of Reading Award!
7 months ago, Box Elder School District
Picture of Nicole with award
Nicole receiving award
What a great PD day! Teachers and staff heard from an amazing keynote speaker then were able to attend two breakout sessions.
7 months ago, Box Elder School District
Superintendent and Jason Hewlett
Teachers at a breakout session
Teachers at the BTS breakout session
Teachers learning at a breakout session
Teachers at the Doable Wellness breakout session
teachers at a breakout session
HOPE Squad students from all BESD elementary schools attended the HOPE Squad Conference at Weber High.
7 months ago, Box Elder School District
All HOPE Squad elementary students
School Board Members Connie Archibald, Nancy Kennedy, and Tiffani Summers, Superintendent Steve Carlsen, and Business Administrator David Roberts met with Legislators for the Day on the Hill to discuss issues important to public education.
8 months ago, Box Elder School District
Sandall, Roberts, Archibald, Kennedy, Summers, Carlsen,  Peterson
Child Nutrition held a corn husking week in September. Corn was ordered from Shaffer Farms, a local farm in the Garland area. Eight schools participated including 7 elementary schools and Bear River Middle School. Students at each school husked the corn, the kitchen staff cooked the corn, and it was enjoyed by all! Students had a great time learning the process of husking and eating the corn on the cob.
12 months ago, Box Elder School District
corn on the cob
elementary students husking corn
Business Administrator helping students husk crn
Superintendent with students husking corn
students with corn on the cob
students husking corn
Congratulations to Amy Ayotte, Teacher at McKinley, for receiving the USBA Teacher of the Year nomination!
about 1 year ago, Box Elder School District
Amy Ayotte receiving USBA Teacher of the Year award
Amy Ayotte and Mark Taylor
National Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 - October 15. One school is introducing students to some notable Hispanic Americans on a bulletin board in the main hall.
about 1 year ago, Box Elder School District
Hispanic Heritage Month  Notable Hispanic Americans
Alyssa Lyman, a Box Elder High School student, was sworn in as the Student Board Member for the 2023-24 school year. Welcome Alyssa!
about 1 year ago, Box Elder School District
Swearing in Student Board Member
Student Board Member 2023-24
Walmart Supply Chain presented Box Elder School District with $10,500 for 16 teacher grants which were submitted and approved through Walmart. Thank you Walmart for your support of the Box Elder School District!
about 1 year ago, Box Elder School District
Walmart presenting a large check for $10,500 to Box Elder School Board Members
Nucor Steel - Utah presented Box Elder School District teachers with $23,551 for 40 teacher grants which were submitted and approved through Nucor. Thank you Nucor Steel - Utah for your support of the Box Elder School District!
about 1 year ago, Box Elder School District
Nucor presenting grants at Board Meeting
Teacher receiving Nucor Grant at Board Meeting
Teacher receiving Nucor Grant at Board Meeting
Teacher receiving Nucor Grant at Board Meeting
Free Youth Mental Health First Aid Training https://www.eventbrite.com/e/699741935967?aff=oddtdtcreator Youth Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based training consisting of 2-hours of self-paced content followed by 5 hours of instructor-led training. Youth Mental Health First Aid is an early intervention public education program. It teaches adults how to recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge, how to listen nonjudgmentally and give reassurance to a youth who may be experiencing a mental health challenge, and how to refer a person to appropriate professional support and services. By the end of the course, participants will be able to: • Describe the purpose of Youth Mental Health First Aid and the role of the Youth Mental Health First Aider. • Apply the appropriate steps of the YMHFA Action Plan (ALGEE) to crisis situations. • Choose appropriate methods for self-care following the application of Youth Mental Health First Aid in a crisis or non-crisis situation. • Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges that may impact youth. • Explain the impact of traumatic experiences and the role of resilience on adolescent development. • Apply the appropriate steps of the YMHFA Action Plan (ALGEE) to non-crisis situations.
about 1 year ago, Box Elder School District
Two of our amazing instructional coaches, Kelbie Jackson and Christyn Kendrick, have been named as Teacher Fellows for the Hope Street Group. Teacher Fellows represent some of the state's most collaborative, positive, and solutions-oriented educators dedicated to elevating their profession and creating the best conditions for student learning. We are so proud to have these two represent Box Elder School District!
about 1 year ago, AshLee Nelson, Director of Instructional Support
Kelbie 1
Kelbie 2
Christyn 1
Christyn 2